土曜日, 12月 12, 2009

Posting on forums again aren't that bad ...

Ok seems like posting on forums again really isn't that bad.For some weird reason ... starting to post again on the "Singapore thread" of the H!O forums feels rather ... nice!!!Nostalgic as well since it reminds me of how I virtually spent the entire 4~5 months of holiday break after the O'Levels on the Jdorama forum,posting and sharing comments with other users.Of course that didn't end nicely ... but heck.Oh well.


Apparently Kuu-chan is releasing her new album on 3rd April ... just 10+ days out from her new single?!?Talk about a workaholic or "release whore" ... although her younger sister Misono released even more stuff for this year.Anyway back to the album.It's a new and BEST album ... so basically it's something like the recent Lady Gaga's new album "Fame Monster" where she include the entire tracklist of her 2008 "The Fame" album in the new album.Except this time it's a BEST rather than taking straight from one album alone.The album is titled ... 『BEST~ third universe~&8th AL“UNIVERSE”』.


There's a recent minor talking point on H!O forums yesterday.Apparently Ai,Gaki,Junjun and Linlin's interview with youku.com in Taiwan as a promotion act for Morning Musume ... didn't receive decent comments.Nicely put those comments are unprofessional.To be blunt those comments are unintellectual.So what actually happened???People who viewed the video posted online ... supposedly China natives ... slammed Momosu,calling them AV idols(?) and that Junjun and Linlin are a disgrace to China for being part of a Japanese song group.Yea you might say "they're just comments.People post bulls*** as well on youtube or other forums."But given China's hostility towards Japan for past historical events(Sino-Japanese war,WW2 etc) ... the comments on youku.com seemed to supersize in weighage.People just got annoyed that the Chinese are stereotyping all Japanese as AV idols bah bah bah.

I dunno man.China-Japan's relationship to say the least is damaged.Of course not beyond repair.But it's also not "healing" itself fast enough.60 years had gone by since 1945 and a majority of China natives still aren't willing to welcome Japan citizens into their country with open hands and an open heart.

Things that makes you wonder?Hmmmm ... so is China really that petty or is the impact of Japan on them back when Japan was still known as the Empire of Japan just too great and overwhelming for them to forgive n forget within this era?

Who knows man?


Speaking of which I should go try 21s for squats.It's a killer finisher for dumbbell presses although I had to lighten the weight A LOT.But top marks for stimulating the muscle.

Squats ...

One wrong move and I'll have 65kg of deadweight pressing down on my back with my legs having given way.

Screw it.I'll try it on Monday.