月曜日, 1月 04, 2010


After two weeks of complete rest from lifting weights,I must say...I sure as hell is looking forward to today's session.My body is eager and my mind set.

In addition I added a new training style into my routine.Well "tested" should be a more appropriate word to use since I had yet to fully understand it.It's known as Fascial Stretch Training Seven(FST-7).Those of you who read Flex or MD should had heard of it already.It basically involves doing seven final sets of an exercise with a 45 sec break interval for a bodypart which you want to maximize growth on.From what I know this helps to stretch the fascia further,allowing more space for blood capillaries to expand.So anyway here's what happened for my virgin try on FST-7.

1st set - Completed 10 reps of barbell curls pretty easily.Started 2nd set at 40 secs break interval.

2nd set - Completed 10 reps of barbell curls,with cheat curls for the last two reps.Getting a little tough.Started 3rd set at 60 secs break interval.Gosh that's 1/3 too long from the allocated rest time.

3rd set - Completed 8 reps of barbell curls,with at least 4 cheat curls done.This should be it.Way too much weight used.Started 4th set at 50 secs break interval.

4th set - Completed 6 reps of barbell curls,with only the 1st 2 reps done extremely strictly.Kept the barbell after this.You know the rest of the story.

1st try on the magical FST-7 that supposedly helped reigning Mr.Olympia Jay Cutler quite a bit in his quest to retain the title.Concluded with a fail.Oh well.At least I now know that I can't use the same weight that I used for buddy curls or 3 part curls for FST-7.Hopefully next week'll be more successful when I attempt this again ...


And lul wut.Dawa of s/mileage is a member of some むし thingy on OhaStar.Mushi.Gosh that's a bug LOL!!!