金曜日, 1月 08, 2010


I finally received Manoeri's FRIENDS(CD+DVD) version and 2 photocards of her and Koha today from Boon Eng.Woooooo....this is so lovely.The photocards are simply lovely.Now to find someway to "safeguard" them from any harm by the elements.Sounds a little excessive over a couple of photos...but I assure you it aren't that case when you consider the "importance" of these stuff in your psychological and mental health.

Watching 「まのえりHistory」 in the DVD of FRIENDS right now...it's broken into multiple chapters so I'll just briefly type out each part as I continue watching.

Mano History Part 1
It's basically about Manoeri's time in Ongaku Gatas.What she did and the day she graduated from the group(March 2008).Lol watching her tear up during and after her graduation concert performance is kinda sad in a way.Since there's no plans of her debuting next year (2009)as a soloist at the time of her graduation.

Mano History Part 2
Her 1st jacket photoshoot for her debut indie single マノピアノ(Mano Piano).And she appearing in C-ute 2008 Concert 忘れたくない夏(Unforgettable Summer).It's kinda shocking to actually realize that she released her 1st indie single only 3 months after graduating from Ongaku Gatas.Neat.Lots and lots of footage of her handshake events in various states LOL.And oh yea and her list of dramas she acted in,her major debut in 乙女の祈り...her weekly radio show...her debut concert...and I thought she had lots of publicity stuff to do in 2010...they seems pale in comparison to 2009.

Mano History Part 3
It starts of with the commemoration event of her 3rd single 「世界は サマー・パーティ」 and handshake event(she sure enjoy them LOL) together with S/mileage who's the dancers for that song of Manoeri.Then they showed her 1st tour(with s/mileage of course).

Mano History Part 4
The commemoration event of her 4th single 「この胸のときめきを」.Then footage of her filming for TV Tokyo's 「キティズパラダイスpeace」 which she is still a regular of.Afterwards it's a practice session for 「恋すハローキティ」.A photoshoot session at 屋久島(Yakushima) and a short filming clip of her new drama with H!P 「半分エスパー」(Hanbun Esper) that'll debut next Friday on 15th Jan 2010 ends the DVD.

I definitely learned much much more about my new "champion" in H!P after watching this DVD.And that just made me adore her even more now. O(≧∇≦)O